Due to recent events involving a violent crime from a Scientologist against a fellow Anonymous San Francisco member, I will be briefly going into a hiatus.
I will return shortly, after the case has seen the Judge and witnesses are free to discuss the matter further.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Mountain View Dianetics World Tour
This evening, was the Dianetics World Tour - basically a time when Scilons the world over get together and brag and congratulate themselves on being "Masters of the Universe" and watch some heavily edited, stupid video were Cult Leader David Miscavige speaks about how great they are.
With dwindling numbers and "stats" we, Tommy Gorman and I, as well as two other critics and former Scientologists (who are currently being Fair Gamed) decided to make a surprise appearance. The photos from this will be posted soon on Flickr, as well as Picasa, and all over the internet so people can see.
First Id like to just get right to TWO people at the ORG that really had creeped me out. First is the child molester.
Yes, you heard me correctly. The man above was filming and taking pictures of one of the critics babies, whom she brought along. It was kinda sick, as she yelled for us to come over and get him away.
Tommy and I ran over there with our cameras and shot some photos which you can see.

Yes, in one, he continued to film when NO ONE was there. He doesnt say much and looks QUITE tight lipped in the pictures, but rest assured that which he does say is ONLY about little boys, and his love for children and touching them inappropriately.
Now, I did tell him I was going to let the world know about what he said to me, and Im only speaking the truth, and from his mouth. So dont flame me and get all upset about it...cause its TRUE!
I get rather disgusted with people who think its okay to take pictures of children - for their own personal use. This is why I put his picture up here for the world to see how gross this pedophile is, and what a child molester he said he is.
And then....
The next set of pictures revolve around this lady.

Who was rather rude about me taking her picture. As she got out of the car she said..."Did you take my picture?"

"WHY YES OF COURSE I TOOK YOUR PICTURE" - to which she replied rather cratchety, "I WANT IT! GIVE IT TO ME!" -
To which I did the obvious reply - "NO! ITS GOING ONLINE, IF YOU WANT IT GO GET IT THERE!"

Just because she was such a bitch about it, I informed her I was going to be taking her license plate number and posting that one online too. So for those of you who think I fuck around when it comes to Scilons and their behavior, I go for the gold and dont play games - as this picture shows.

At the end of the night, I did ask her if she wanted her picture again, and informed her DisconnectedSon.Blogspot.Com was the LOCATION of her photo. So, lady, if your seeing your life flash before your eyes...I suggest using some better TECH for your life. Get out of the cult, and contact me - once I validate you, Ill take your pictures down.
So, my point to posting all this nasty when Ive been quite polite lately is really to piss off some Scilons who are nasty people, to keep the public WELL informed of THEIR CRIMES - They have many. Child Rape/Molestation is JUST ONE.
I also know they will be posting my photo all over town, and figure this is one way to get them before they get me.
If your in the Mountain View California area, the address to the ORG is 117 EASY STREET - Keep in mind there is TWO locations, one thats just a testing center that Anonymous pickets, and the other the actual ORG, which I occasionally picket. I also suggest megaphones and bullhorns as the ORG is set back from the street a bit.
With dwindling numbers and "stats" we, Tommy Gorman and I, as well as two other critics and former Scientologists (who are currently being Fair Gamed) decided to make a surprise appearance. The photos from this will be posted soon on Flickr, as well as Picasa, and all over the internet so people can see.
First Id like to just get right to TWO people at the ORG that really had creeped me out. First is the child molester.
Yes, you heard me correctly. The man above was filming and taking pictures of one of the critics babies, whom she brought along. It was kinda sick, as she yelled for us to come over and get him away.
Tommy and I ran over there with our cameras and shot some photos which you can see.
Yes, in one, he continued to film when NO ONE was there. He doesnt say much and looks QUITE tight lipped in the pictures, but rest assured that which he does say is ONLY about little boys, and his love for children and touching them inappropriately.
Now, I did tell him I was going to let the world know about what he said to me, and Im only speaking the truth, and from his mouth. So dont flame me and get all upset about it...cause its TRUE!
I get rather disgusted with people who think its okay to take pictures of children - for their own personal use. This is why I put his picture up here for the world to see how gross this pedophile is, and what a child molester he said he is.
And then....
The next set of pictures revolve around this lady.
Who was rather rude about me taking her picture. As she got out of the car she said..."Did you take my picture?"
"WHY YES OF COURSE I TOOK YOUR PICTURE" - to which she replied rather cratchety, "I WANT IT! GIVE IT TO ME!" -
To which I did the obvious reply - "NO! ITS GOING ONLINE, IF YOU WANT IT GO GET IT THERE!"
Just because she was such a bitch about it, I informed her I was going to be taking her license plate number and posting that one online too. So for those of you who think I fuck around when it comes to Scilons and their behavior, I go for the gold and dont play games - as this picture shows.
At the end of the night, I did ask her if she wanted her picture again, and informed her DisconnectedSon.Blogspot.Com was the LOCATION of her photo. So, lady, if your seeing your life flash before your eyes...I suggest using some better TECH for your life. Get out of the cult, and contact me - once I validate you, Ill take your pictures down.
So, my point to posting all this nasty when Ive been quite polite lately is really to piss off some Scilons who are nasty people, to keep the public WELL informed of THEIR CRIMES - They have many. Child Rape/Molestation is JUST ONE.
I also know they will be posting my photo all over town, and figure this is one way to get them before they get me.
If your in the Mountain View California area, the address to the ORG is 117 EASY STREET - Keep in mind there is TWO locations, one thats just a testing center that Anonymous pickets, and the other the actual ORG, which I occasionally picket. I also suggest megaphones and bullhorns as the ORG is set back from the street a bit.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Suppressive Person Part I
What do you get when you mix a former Scientologist and his family, with DisconnectedSon?
You get a TON of knowledge, information, and education about the Cult of $cientology.
You get to watch Oprah practically grill a very tired, very desperate for "damage control" Tom Cruise.
You also get to ask about the Suppressive Declaration and how its distributed and posted for all people to read.
What interests me the most, is why I have yet to get a declaration, for speaking out drastically against the Cult of $cientology.
It has become no longer dreaded to get this declaration (its kinda neat with its fine print, goldenrod paper and laminate), but an HONOR - It gives us the opportunity to take off our masks, and finally come forth and get in the direct face of Scientology. Most importantly, it gives us the ammunition to show the world that YES, FAIR GAME AND SUPPRESSIVE DECLARATION EXIST!
And of course, its the ONLY religion (so they wanna call themselves) that find the need to say to people "Your a bad person, dont talk to me anymore". I mean, what is this shit? High School.
Your breaking up with me - is what its like...
Well if thats the case - PLEASE BREAK UP WITH ME CAUSE I HATE YOU!
You get a TON of knowledge, information, and education about the Cult of $cientology.
You get to watch Oprah practically grill a very tired, very desperate for "damage control" Tom Cruise.
You also get to ask about the Suppressive Declaration and how its distributed and posted for all people to read.
What interests me the most, is why I have yet to get a declaration, for speaking out drastically against the Cult of $cientology.
It has become no longer dreaded to get this declaration (its kinda neat with its fine print, goldenrod paper and laminate), but an HONOR - It gives us the opportunity to take off our masks, and finally come forth and get in the direct face of Scientology. Most importantly, it gives us the ammunition to show the world that YES, FAIR GAME AND SUPPRESSIVE DECLARATION EXIST!
And of course, its the ONLY religion (so they wanna call themselves) that find the need to say to people "Your a bad person, dont talk to me anymore". I mean, what is this shit? High School.
Your breaking up with me - is what its like...
Well if thats the case - PLEASE BREAK UP WITH ME CAUSE I HATE YOU!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Google Maps - Cult of $cientology
If you look closely to the left, you will notice that ALL the "Church of Scientology" has been replaced with "Cult of $cientology". This is coming from GOOGLE MAPS...
Google somehow must be redeeming itself as NOT being paid by the Cult itself, and revolting against them and siding with Anonymous perhaps?
If you dont believe the photo, go to Google and type in "Scientology" followed by your ZIP CODE - Rest assured, you will see the same as I do.
Comments Appreciated
I want to give a big thank you to the people who have been reading and commenting here and there on this blog. Your continued readership and support are the reason I do this. For education, knowledge and guidance for those who seek truth, or question why Scientology has continued to destroy lives around the world.
Your comments have been read, taken to heart, and are deeply appreciated.
Your comments have been read, taken to heart, and are deeply appreciated.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Moment of Silence for Shawn Lonsdale
Shawn was one of the ONLY critics willing to put his camera, reputation and life on the line, in order to educate Clearwater Florida about the dangers of Scientology.
Clearwater as you may or may not know, is the mecca of Scientology. It is considered GroundZero for its teachings, course programs, resorts and the jumping off point for those willing to sign the "Billion Year Contract" for the Sea Org.
Shawn was found dead in his home, earlier this year, in an "apparent" suicide. However, speaking to relatives and friends of Shawn, they state Shawn was NOT suicidal and for him to die of Carbon Monoxide poisoning in his home (his car exhaust was hosed to his bedroom window - from what Im understanding), was somewhat mysterious.
With this stated, Scientology has a habit of killing more people in Clearwater then any other city in America - it would be no shock if Scientology was found guilty of Foul Play and was ultimately responsible for Shawns death.
Here is a moment for our fallen comrade Shawn! One of the greatest critics Scientology has faced.
You may have killed and silenced him, but have given a thousand more a voice and we scream out in Shawns legacy!
What is Scientology Part II
I think this photo says it all.
I give a lot of respect and pat on the back to the guy who made this sign. It really sums up what a lot of people feel Scientology is.
This surprisingly, was one of the ONLY signs that both I, and my sister took photos of, and sent out en masse. It is simply to the point.
Educating My Co-Workers
After many fearful weeks of keeping my secret from the people I work with, Ive slowly started to tell people about Scientology and my Disconnection. Ive also started to educate them to my blog, my twitter, and of course to Xenu.net.
For me, its not about trying to get people to understand why Im protesting, who I am inside, or what I do. Its about them making a valid and educated decision on how to perceive a so called religion, that in fact is nothing more then a money hungry organization, that which I call a cult.
I want people to really understand that the Disconnection policy, and Fair Game policy are REAL. They are two of the worst things Scientology does to people, short of killing them. Im glad however, that many people Ive told this to are eager to do research, and have also been keen to ask questions.
Their support is priceless, and if they are reading this... THANK YOU!
For me, its not about trying to get people to understand why Im protesting, who I am inside, or what I do. Its about them making a valid and educated decision on how to perceive a so called religion, that in fact is nothing more then a money hungry organization, that which I call a cult.
I want people to really understand that the Disconnection policy, and Fair Game policy are REAL. They are two of the worst things Scientology does to people, short of killing them. Im glad however, that many people Ive told this to are eager to do research, and have also been keen to ask questions.
Their support is priceless, and if they are reading this... THANK YOU!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
DisconnectedSon and Jason Beghe
Today in San Francisco, shortly after the march around downtown for Operation Game Over - Jason Beghe showed up for a quick chat, give his support, and to show that he is doing well.
It was a GREAT surprise and very gracious of him to show up and talk to us. Im very happy that he is out of Scientology, now with a clear head, and is actually very nice guy. Most Scientologists are nice once they are out of the sick cult.
With that said, here is some pictures for you to look at.
Dont forget also to see my Twitter Blog - www.twitter.com/disconnectedson
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What Is Scientology
Scientology Vs. The Holy Bible

In the "Western" cultures we live, we believe in mainly ONE book for truth. The Holy Bible. Not everyone does, and Scientology is definitely one that does not.
Matter of fact, they want to DESTROY religions around the world over. Starting with the one Americans believe in. Being an American "religion", err, cult, it is only logical they go after the most recognized book in America - The Bible.
My ideas of getting Scientology completely null and void would be simply to replace "Holy Bible" with "Quran/Koran" and show that to some of my Muslim friends. My friends are VERY NON VIOLENT people who condemn violence and radicals with ideas hell bent on destroying the world. Religion is a divine right for them, and they are very understanding of everyone that is not of the same faith. However, this would simply piss them the fuck off and cause a whirlwind of onslaught by the Islamic community.
I would however like to see the worlds fastest growing religion (Islam) actually give hell on earth to "The Worlds Fastest Growing Religion" (Scientology).
Take a look at the lovely picture.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Welcome To Disconnected By Scientology
Hello and Welcome
Some of you may know me and some may not. Regardless however, you will either love me or hate me.
This is my blog for posting my life, my stories, and thoughts. It is also to help people discover themselves, or re-discover reality when they finally escape Scientology.
I am an active protesting San Franciscan - it is something that all native San Franciscans are born with, that ability to protest what is right and wrong. With this, I have been actively empowering new people, and old alike to find themselves the voice, and strength to get their message heard.
Importantly is the fact that I protest first and foremost the Church of Scientology - that which we call as a whole city - "The Cult Of $cientology".
Below is a short version of my story on how I was disconnected from my biological father. I hope soon to include the stories of how I was adopted and how my real family (whom I still keep in contact with occasionally) feels about my life now, my protests, and how I enjoy educating people.
No family should suffer, and no person should ever have to chose a religious group (if in fact its a real group) over a loved family member, child, or friend.
I hope you enjoy it here, and be sure to catch me on my Twitter blog, thats below.
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