Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Moment of Silence for Shawn Lonsdale

Shawn was one of the ONLY critics willing to put his camera, reputation and life on the line, in order to educate Clearwater Florida about the dangers of Scientology.
Clearwater as you may or may not know, is the mecca of Scientology. It is considered GroundZero for its teachings, course programs, resorts and the jumping off point for those willing to sign the "Billion Year Contract" for the Sea Org.

Shawn was found dead in his home, earlier this year, in an "apparent" suicide. However, speaking to relatives and friends of Shawn, they state Shawn was NOT suicidal and for him to die of Carbon Monoxide poisoning in his home (his car exhaust was hosed to his bedroom window - from what Im understanding), was somewhat mysterious.

With this stated, Scientology has a habit of killing more people in Clearwater then any other city in America - it would be no shock if Scientology was found guilty of Foul Play and was ultimately responsible for Shawns death.

Here is a moment for our fallen comrade Shawn! One of the greatest critics Scientology has faced.

You may have killed and silenced him, but have given a thousand more a voice and we scream out in Shawns legacy!

What is Scientology Part II

I think this photo says it all.

I give a lot of respect and pat on the back to the guy who made this sign. It really sums up what a lot of people feel Scientology is.

This surprisingly, was one of the ONLY signs that both I, and my sister took photos of, and sent out en masse. It is simply to the point.

Educating My Co-Workers

After many fearful weeks of keeping my secret from the people I work with, Ive slowly started to tell people about Scientology and my Disconnection. Ive also started to educate them to my blog, my twitter, and of course to Xenu.net.

For me, its not about trying to get people to understand why Im protesting, who I am inside, or what I do. Its about them making a valid and educated decision on how to perceive a so called religion, that in fact is nothing more then a money hungry organization, that which I call a cult.

I want people to really understand that the Disconnection policy, and Fair Game policy are REAL. They are two of the worst things Scientology does to people, short of killing them. Im glad however, that many people Ive told this to are eager to do research, and have also been keen to ask questions.

Their support is priceless, and if they are reading this... THANK YOU!