Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Welcome To Disconnected By Scientology

Hello and Welcome

Some of you may know me and some may not. Regardless however, you will either love me or hate me.

This is my blog for posting my life, my stories, and thoughts. It is also to help people discover themselves, or re-discover reality when they finally escape Scientology.

I am an active protesting San Franciscan - it is something that all native San Franciscans are born with, that ability to protest what is right and wrong. With this, I have been actively empowering new people, and old alike to find themselves the voice, and strength to get their message heard.

Importantly is the fact that I protest first and foremost the Church of Scientology - that which we call as a whole city - "The Cult Of $cientology".

Below is a short version of my story on how I was disconnected from my biological father. I hope soon to include the stories of how I was adopted and how my real family (whom I still keep in contact with occasionally) feels about my life now, my protests, and how I enjoy educating people.

No family should suffer, and no person should ever have to chose a religious group (if in fact its a real group) over a loved family member, child, or friend.

I hope you enjoy it here, and be sure to catch me on my Twitter blog, thats below.
