Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Google Maps - Cult of $cientology

If you look closely to the left, you will notice that ALL the "Church of Scientology" has been replaced with "Cult of $cientology". This is coming from GOOGLE MAPS...

Google somehow must be redeeming itself as NOT being paid by the Cult itself, and revolting against them and siding with Anonymous perhaps?

If you dont believe the photo, go to Google and type in "Scientology" followed by your ZIP CODE - Rest assured, you will see the same as I do.

Comments Appreciated

I want to give a big thank you to the people who have been reading and commenting here and there on this blog. Your continued readership and support are the reason I do this. For education, knowledge and guidance for those who seek truth, or question why Scientology has continued to destroy lives around the world.

Your comments have been read, taken to heart, and are deeply appreciated.